Cashew Base

Prep Time: 2 Minutes
Cooking Time: 0 Minutes.

I have cashew base on hand pretty much all the time in my kitchen because its super 

easy to make and can be turned into so many things. Cashew base has little taste so 

takes on the flavors of whatever you add to it. 


1 Cup Raw Cashews


  1. Place cashews in a mason jar or dish, cover with water and soak overnight in the refrigerator or for 6 hours to plump up the nuts.
  2. Drain, rinse in cold water, then place in a blender with just enough water to cover the nuts.
  3. Blend to a smooth consistency.
  4. Store refrigerated for up to 7 days.


Cashew base is a very versatile base sauce that can be used in as many ways as your imagination will allow!

Add hemp or flax seed oil, lemon juice, garlic and any herbs of your choice to one cup of base for a delicious salad dressing.

Try tarragon with chicken and root vegetable dishes, mint for a cooling effect with spicy food.

Use it as an alternative to cream in sauces.

Use it as an Alfredo Sauce with garlic and mushrooms to top vegetable pasta. The sauce thickens very quickly when heated, so add plenty of water to the consistency you want.